Brugada Syndrome

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


  • Sudden unexpected nocturnal death
  • Includes only idiopathic cases of Sudden Cardiac Death


  1. Incidence: Uncommon
  2. Accounts for <5% of Sudden Cardiac Death cases
  3. Family History of sudden death events often present
  4. Most common in men
  5. Greater Incidence in Southeast asia
    • Northeastern Thailand (40/year per 100,000)
    • Japan
    • Philipines


Inherited disorder of myocardial sodium channels

Associated EKG findings

  1. Prolonged QT Interval
  2. Brugada Sign
    • Seen best in the right precordial leads (V1-V3)
    • End of QRS marked by significant upward deflection
    • ST segment elevation
  3. Associated with Right Bundle Branch Block


  1. Often asymptomatic until terminal event (40%)
  2. Exertional Syncope history may be present


  1. Antzelevitch (2003) J Am Coll Cardiol 41(10):1665
  2. Brugada (1992) J Am Coll Cardiol 20(6):1391
  3. Littmann (2003) Am Heart J 145(5):768
  4. Meyer (2003) Am Fam Physician 68(3):483


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